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Vitamin C
Vitamin C During Pregnancy and Lactation
Vitamin C’s Foremost Experts
Dr. Robert Cathcart MD – Developed Vitamin C Dosage Protocol
Dr. Frederick Klenner MD (First Pioneer)
Irwin Stone, PhD
How Vitamin C Saved the Life of Irwin Stone
RDA Disregards Vitamin C’s Half Life (30 min)
Tap water Oxidizes Vitamin C
The most popular vitamin C myths exposed
Nutrition in Medicine
Archives of Nutritional Medicine (OMArchives.org)
Seven Arguments for Taking Nutritional Supplements
90% of vitamin C truly Chinese
Doctor’s Best sold to Chinese company, extending trend in industry
Quality Control
Antifreeze Tainted Vitamin C Prompts Cereal Recall
Malt-O-Meal maker settles suit over antifreeze-tainted cereal recall
Ten years after China’s infant milk tragedy, parents still won’t trust their babies to local formula
54K babies hospitalized, 6 dead in 2008 Chinese milk scandal
A Decade of Dangerous Food Imports from China
Must Children die from bad air Before Hong Kong Acts on Pollution?
Hong Kong’s air Quality Targets Pitched too low
Hong Kong Smog is So Bad Tourists are Getting Their Picture Taken with a Clean Backdrop
Hong Kong smog hits top of the health risk scale
US Supreme Court rules against Chinese vitamin C producers
Supreme Court fight over vitamin C holds key to Chinese law in US
Major Supplements Openly Contain GMO Vitamin Sources
Ten things you need to know about the Séralini study
No Deaths from Vitamins. None. Supplement Safety Confirmed by America’s Largest Database
Other Supplements
Best Quali C Vitamin C
Best Quali C Vitamin C – V
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