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Boosts Immunity & Metabolism

Boosts Immunity & Metabolism

Boosts Immunity & Metabolism




Why Supplement Vitamin C?

Vitamin C Dosage

To Heal Like An Animal.

Why don’t most animals suffer from heart disease & heal so much faster than we do?

As Dr Robert Cathcart explains:

They make their own vitamin C, & when stressed, sick or injured, they make a lot of it!

The good news is by taking  vitamin C in larger amounts than animals produce,

we can maintain our bodies and heal even better than they can.” *

9 Servings of Fruits and Vegetables Not Nearly Enough.

Can you get the vitamin C you need from food alone?

One fresh organic orange = 70mg of vitamin C.    (14.3 oranges / gram)

Many experts recommend more than 2g a day. Some, much more, up to 18g a day. *

Read Dr Cathcart’s Vitamin C Dosage for Maintenance and Illness.

Read Dr Klenner’s Vitamin C Dosage During Pregnancy and Lactation.

(See below)*

Vitamin C in mg / Orange

# of Oranges / 2g of Vitamin C

Experts Recommend A Much Higher Daily Dose Of Vitamin C

Dosage # of Oranges Expert
4-15g 57-214 Dr. Robert Cathcart – MD
3-18g 43-257 Double Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling PhD
5g 71 Dr. Frederick Klenner – MD
3g 43 Steve Hickey – PhD
3g 43 Irwin Stone – PhD

Why choose “Made in the UK” over “Made in the US, or China”?

In the supplement industry, packaging ingredients in the US and EU allows companies to claim their products are “Made” there.

Over 90% of the vitamin C on the market is actually repackaged Chinese. Ours is truly made in Scotland from Non GMO Corn, grown exclusively in Great Britain.

Why are the Chinese origins of our competitors ingredients hidden?

China doesn’t have the strict quality control regulations and enforcement the UK does, but they do have plenty of pollution as well as a History of Ingredient Scandals:

Babies Poisoned Worldwide with Synthetic Protein

Chinese Boycotting Local Baby Formula Producers

Vitamin C Contaminated with Antifreeze originating in China

Doctor’s Best sold to Chinese company

We expect China to become our biggest importer. Consumers there are much more aware of the rampant mislabelling, fake products and actively seek out the superior quality and trustworthiness of ingredients of Western origin.

Here are examples of the most recent fake food scandals in China.

Why UK Manufacturing?

Highest purity, lowest heavy metals and most rigorous material safety standards on the market.

No proximity to GMO corn fields like there are in the US.

The 5 big U.S. manufacturers all use GMO corn to make their vitamin C. Learn More

What on Earth are GMOs ?

GMOs, (Genetically modified organisms) are plants (or animals) that have been genetically modified by splicing in DNA from viruses, bacteria, other plants or animals.

These experimental combinations of genes from different species cannot occur in traditional crossbreeding nor in nature.

The use of single strain GMO crops reduce biodiversity, which weaken our food chain and overly expose us to risks of pests and disease.

Learn More

Gimmick Or Good For You

Not all vitamins and dietary supplements are the same.

Many popular supplement brands, in fact, are loaded with sugar, contain artificial additives, synthetic flow agents, chemical colorings, or even imitation vitamin compounds that your body does not recognize and cannot fully process.

So how can you know whether or not the vitamins and supplements you buy are safe and effective?   Learn More

Why buy your Vitamin C from us?  

The World’s Finest Vitamin C at Half the Price of the Competition. 

The only other company selling the Ultra fine Quali-C, as recommended by the non profit Vitamin C Foundation, sells the Ultra fine at twice our price.

We are proud to bring you the highest grade of Ultra fine Quali-C from DSM at the lowest markup on the market.

Already one of our customers?

Many thanks for your continued loyalty since 2013 and for all the great reviews. Please keep telling your friends and families about us so we can continue to make this vitamin C accessible for all of us in the future.

The two best ways to help are:

  1. To leave reviews on Amazon and Google (you can review us on google by searching for “GMO Free Vitamins LLC Florida” and clicking on “Write a review”
  2. To order directly from us instead of on Amazon. US Orders are transmitted to them within a minute anyway and we share what we save by offering you Amazon’s 2 day express at no extra charge. ( Offshore USA ships Amazon standard. International ships with DHL from our Georgia fulfillment centre).
Ultra Fine Quali-C main features
DSM’s Quali-C

We opened this company in 2013 because the best vitamin C in the world was not being sold to the public.

DSM is the only manufacturer of high quality Vitamin C, made in the UK, exclusively from non-GMO corn grown in Great-Britain.

Not all their trademarked Quali-C products are made equally.

They include a range of vitamin C powder going from standard to their  Ultra Fine Vitamin C powder.

We only sell the highest grade of DSM’s Quali-C Vitamin C! The world’s finest! *

What Our Clients Say

(These unsolicited testimonials are from actual Amazon customers who purchased our product. Links are provided to the review and the customer profiles. Their experiences and opinions are their own*)

My family and I have been using this product on a daily basis for years. Our energy levels are higher and my kids get sick much less often now. When they do, we bump up their doses and they get well again faster than they used to. Yesterday, my son was coughing like a bull, gave him half a flat teaspoon. He came to see me about 20 minutes later and said, Dad, it worked, my cough is gone!
We tried the lower grade Quali C, it took too long to dissolve. Sticking with this one, thanks for making this quality available at half the price we used to get it from the Vitamin C Foundation. For those that think this is overpriced, I guess you haven’t found out yet that “made in the USA” is actually only repackaged Chinese… 

Alain Iskandar

Great Product! We really like using this product especially when dosing to bowel tolerance bc there are no other additives and it’s well sourced. It is very sour by itself, but we’ve been able to make it palatable with a little bit of Stevia or Sufficient-C. For us, it has been very effective in preventing and managing common illnesses. Also very helpful for preventing and treating sunburns for adults and kids (taken orally before going into the sun). I gave my oldest 1-2g/day for 2 years and he never got sick ONCE! Seriously. I stopped this bc seems like kids should get sick a little bit. I’ve also used it as per the Klenner protocol during pregnancy and those pregnancies were consistent with what Klenner reported with his studies. The company is very responsive to requests. Overall, we have had good experience with this product and have been using it for about 4 years.

Amazon Customer

This is the BEST vitamin c powder I have ever found! It’s so fine and dissolves instantly! I have been using this supplement for years but recently started giving my kids 1-2 grams a day when school started. Three days into the school year my son came home with a bad sore throat. I gave him two grams of this C every few hours in orange juice and by morning he was feeling just fine. I will continue to use this brand and have the entire family taking it during the school year! Best brand for no GMO’s, colors or added fillers! 


Hands down the highest quality vitamin c on the market! This product has been a lifesaver for my family, and we are lucky to have found it. Nothing beats the Quali-C ultrafine powder. Considering this is DSM and the best quality vitamin c available, the price is more than fair, this product is a steal. 


Easy to take – made in UK not China. I feel more energy and confident that my immune system is improving. Friend knowledgeable in natural medicine suggested this particular brand as it is 100% pure ascorbic acid, food grade, non GMO and made in the UK. Very pleased with this product! 


This stuff is amazing!!

Helped my mom when she was having ovarian cancer & cysts and works best by far at kicking viral and bacterial infections, better than any other vitamin c I’ve tried and I have tried a ton! Hope the price stays down so it will be affordable to take on a daily basis! 

Tab J Mar

Why Powder over Pills? Optimal Dosage & Protection

Are you still only taking 1 dose of vitamin C in the morning?

A single dose only protects you for the first 2 hours of the day! Would you pay bodyguards that only protected you 2 hours a day?

Divide your C throughout the day, then count on D3 or E for the night shift, without the energy boost that would keep you awake.

Vitamin C half life in the body (Time it takes for the body to use half of what is available)
Any one dose of vitamin C is mostly gone within 2 hours. Due to the half life of vitamin C in the body being only 30 minutes. Every 30 minutes you only have half of the previous protection left.

Vitamin C Powder Allows Optimal Protection by Frequent Smaller Doses

The benefit of a powder, is that you can determine the vitamin C maintenance dosage that suits you best, mix it into a large bottle of water (1.5 litres or approx. 50 ounces) and sip it throughout the day, allowing the body to keep optimal levels of vitamin C (Bottled or filtered water should be used as the copper and chlorine in tap water neutralize vitamin C extremely quickly). 

No Sugar, Sorbitol, Fillers, Lubricants or other Ingredients

Other Ingredients Compete with Vitamin C for Absorption in the Gut – Strain Kidneys and Liver

Pills need added ingredients to maintain their shape, flow agents like Magnesium Stearate, & other lubricants to slide through the machinery.

These can not only interfere with dissolution, but actually compete with vitamin C in your gut, reducing the amount of vitamin C your body will be able to absorb and use. All the while imposing strain on your kidneys and liver just to process those unnecessary and in some cases, harmful ingredients, as is the case with sugar* (an addictive toxin) and sorbitol, a laxative* that interferes directly with how much vitamin C your gut can absorb.

Laxative effect of vitamin C is actually the right way to determine the dosage your body needs

Enough should be taken throughout the day to feel optimal, but not enough to cause gurgling in the gut nor soft stools.
As vitamin C also gives you plenty of energy, we recommend not taking it too late into the evening, and also taking a fat soluble vitamin like E or D3 to protect you until your next vitamin C dose in the morning.

Dosage – Maintenance VS illness
Although a maintenance dose of vitamin C may be reachable with 1g pills, the doses needed as per Dr Robert Cathcart’s recommendations for illness, would simply be unmanageable. The competition for absorption with such high quantities of fillers and lubricants would simply be too high.

Pill Dosage Decreasing
Pills are also delivering less and less vitamin C over time. Historically available in 1g, currently nearly all are 500mg doses. The next phase planned will be 250mg. Making it more and more difficult to get an effective dose of vitamin C.

Get your energy boost from quality Vitamin C, not from sugar

* One of the leading sellers of vitamin C actually delivers 5g of sugar to 1g of vitamin C. Have you checked your ingredients list?

Enjoy a natural energy boost without the calories or sugar crash!

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

See the summary of 91 questions on Vitamin C we answered on Amazon

Vitamin C - Journals & News *

Vitamin C for Health & Vitality July 6, 2020


3 U.S. Hospitals Use IVs of Vitamin C & Other Low-Cost, Readily Available Drugs To Cut The Death-Rate Of COVID-19 — Without Ventilators! Apr 26, 2020

Official Statement From China For Recommended Treatment Of COVID-19 Using Vitamin C Mar 05, 2020

Vitamin C and COVID-19: Philippines health authorities to supply supplements to school children 31Mar 31,2020

Sepsis Is A Global Killer. Can Vitamin C Be The Cure? Feb 4, 2020

Does vitamin C causes kidney stones? NO.

Does vitamin C interfere with chemotherapy? NO, vitamin C actually enhances chemotherapy.

Is ascorbic acid really vitamin C? YES. See also: VITAMIN C AND ACIDITY What Form is Best?

Does the acidity of ascorbic acid vitamin C destroy probiotics? NO.

Supplement Safety Confirmed by America's Largest Database Andrew W. Saul, PhD, Editor, Dec 16, 2019

Study shows benefits of vitamin C in treating cancer  Patrick B. Massey, MD, Dec 22, 2018

Doctors Who Claim Osteoporosis is Scurvy of the Bones – Vitamin C Supplementation Needed not Calcium Paul Fassa, Nov 12, 2018

Vitamin C protects brain from seizures Nora Foegeding, Nov 8, 2018

Vitamin C May Mean the Difference Between Life & Death Bill Sardi, Aug 25, 2018

Safety of Vitamin C Infusions for Alleviating Symptoms of Cancer Treatment Edyta Zielinska, Jul 11, 2018

US Supreme Court rules against Chinese vitamin C producers in antitrust case Robert Delaney, Jun 15, 2018

Supplemental ascorbate in the supportive treatment of cancer: Reevaluation of prolongation of survival times in terminal human cancer (Abstract)

Supplemental ascorbate in the supportive treatment of cancer: Reevaluation of prolongation of survival times in terminal human cancer (Full Paper)

Study into vitamin C’s effectiveness in treating intensive care patients May 6, 2016

Vitamin C and cancer: examination of the Vale of Leven trial results using broad inductive reasoning

Parenteral ascorbate as a cancer therapeutic: a reassessment based on pharmacokinetics

Vitamin C and cancer: examination of the Vale of Leven trial results using broad inductive reasoning

Promising evidence: How to REDUCE the threat of pesticides and Roundup toxicity

Lower the risk of premature death from cancer and heart disease by taking HIGHER levels of vitamin C

Proper vitamin C levels reduce the risk of cognitive impairment and poor metabolic function

Topical vitamin C for HPV, herpes and basal cell carcinoma

Vitamin C makes tuberculosis drugs work better, researchers discover

Higher vitamin C levels support better brain health

Neutralize chlorine in water by using vitamin C

Vitamin C deficiency discovered in critically ill patients, researchers reveal

Vitamin C deficiency linked to pneumonia

Higher vitamin C levels improve metabolism and lower the risk of dementia

Vitamin C and antibiotic combination outperform anticancer drug by 100x

High dose vitamin C found to be a safe and effective addition to cancer treatment

Vitamin C attacks bacteria linked to heartburn and ulcers

Vitamin C protects against radiation damage

High dose vitamin C may stop the progression of leukemia, study reveals

Higher vitamin C dosage shortens duration of the common cold symptoms, says study

Vitamin C found to block growth of cancer stem cells, says peer reviewed study

Vitamin C and sepsis: The genie is now out of the bottle

How high dose vitamin C kills cancer cells

Doctor used vitamin C to save almost 150 patients from certain death of sepsis

Study shows: Vitamin C can significantly reduce risk of gout

Vitamin C intake drastically reduces the risk of COPD

Classic symptom of scurvy is inflamed, swollen and bleeding gums

High-dose vitamin C reduces inflammation in cancer patients, study shows

Low vitamin C levels linked to higher blood levels of lead

High dose IV vitamin C cures patient of Zika virus in three days

Vitamin C stops drug addiction with zero withdrawal symptoms

Why add vitamin C to a natural pain relief protocol?

Archaeologists reveal: Vitamin C deficiency wiped out an entire town

How cancer cells and infections get destroyed by vitamin C

Why your immune function is dependent on vitamin C

Prevent and reverse infections with vitamin C

The never-ending war against vitamin C

The most popular vitamin C myths exposed

Vitamin C deficiency accelerates bone loss

Vitamin C reduces risk of death from breast cancer

Vitamin C revealed as effective as exercise for treating obese people

New study: Vitamin C kills ‘untreatable’ cancer cells

Vitamin C shown to reduce flu and cold symptoms by 85 percent

Antibiotic resistance makes vitamin C more important than ever

Vitamin C protects against liver injury caused by MSG

Vitamin C eradicates sudden infant death syndrome

Learn how vitamin C therapy neutralizes toxins

Vitamin C deficiency wreaks havoc on thyroid function

Natural ways to protect against sun damage

New research: Vitamin C benefits patients with heart disease and diabetes

One simple nutrient outperforms vaccines

Vitamin C overdose saves man from deadly virus

NH365 005: Reversing disease with vitamin C0

Vitamin C kills Epstein-Barr viral infection

Reversing disease with the ‘multi-C’ protocol

Vitamin C is the ‘muscle’ of the immune system

Vitamin C - Government & Public Health Websites *

Medical Encyclopedia - Vitamin C

Vitamin C -Fact Sheet for Health Professionals

Vitamin C -Fact Sheet for Consumers

Mayo Clinic - Nutrition and healthy eating

Vitamin C & WebMD

Vitamin C and Skin Health

Micronutrient Information Center - Vitamin C

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Medical Definition of Vitamin C

Vitamin C Deficiency

High-Dose Vitamin C (PDQ®)–Patient Version

The Nutrition Source

Vitamin C - Defined *

Vitamin C on Wiki

Vitamin C

vitamin C

Definition of vitamin C

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Information provided on this Site is intended for general educational purposes and is not intended to be medical advice. Always consult your own medical provider about your health and medical questions. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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